Mitchell-Lewis Motor Company



Mitchell-Lewis Motor Co.



Mitchell operated originally as a carriage builder in Racine, Wisconsin, switching to motorcycles in 1900. They began  to cars in 1903This is a 1913 Mitchell Touring.

Image at:
Tom Strongman's Auto Ink

Mitchell was bought out by Nash Motors in 1924.

Also in 1924, from concerning Honda's founder:

"...Founder Soichiro Honda set the tone for his company's technical innovations and competitive zest. An auto repair shop owner, Honda won Japan's fifth nationwide auto race in 1924 by fitting a biplane engine onto a chassis built by Mitchell Motor Car Co. of Racine, Wisconsin."

 From the Open Library Project-

1909 Mitchell Catalog

From 1904-  The Automobiles of 1904 by Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly. I didn't see any Mitchells, but there are Ramblers.

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 Route 66 Rambler